
What motivates you in your life right now?
What is currently preventing you from reaching your goals?
What are you tolerating in your business and professional life?
What are you willing to do in the next 30 days?
What's missing for you?
What if you were able to get past (fill in the blank)?

Coaching is an individualized and powerful tool for helping you to move forward in your life. Coaching is NOT counseling. In fact, counseling and coaching actually have very little in common (although there are some similarities to the solution-focussed therapy I tend to prefer),

Unlike counseling, coaching is not a licensed activity. But its effectiveness is indisputable, as evidenced by the growing popularity in many aspects of our lives. There have long been sport coaches, and more recently, corporate and small business coaches. Now there are life coaches, clutter-busting coaches, writing coaches -- you name it!

A personal coach is simply an individual who focusses on helping you to improve your performance or habits.

Coaching is different from counseling in that it is rarely concerned with the past. A personal coach is focussed on helping you improve your life, to help you "win" in personal growth or relationships, and other areas of life.

Coaching is a very active process. It is a series of commitments between you and your coach to do certain things, such as learn new skills, change behaviors, or think in new ways. It generally consists of weekly sessions, either by phone or in-person, with interim e-mails. There are often structured assessments and questionnaires to help "jump start" the coaching process.

Coaching helps with motivation, with accountability, and with follow-through. It helps you get from where you currently are in your life, to where you want to be. And the coaching process helps you develop inner strengths and external skills that can stay with you throughout your entire life.

A good coach will help you find the best that is in you, bring it out, and discover helpful new ways of expressing who you have always been. It is a coach's job to help you find the skills and incentives within yourself to make the changes you want to make in your life, including helping you clarify what those changes are!

I am a firm believer in the importance of goals and goal-setting. Developing a life (or family) mission statement to help you make the right choices throughout the day or week or month can produce powerful results.

I have taken several of the available training programs for coaching, pulling the best parts of each into my practice. If a client wishes to be coached rather than counseled, we can certainly explore this option.

It's never too late to be
what you might have been. (George Elliot)